What You Get
Photoshop Actions for Pattern Design
- 22 - Photoshop Actions for Pattern Design
- Tutorial on how to import and start using these actions to speed up your workflow when it comes to creating patterns in Photoshop
Note: These actions are designed to work with a canvas size of 1200 x 1200. I have also included a step by step tutorial on how to create these actions if you want to work with a different document size.
Photoshop Actions for Pattern Design - Expansion
- 32 - Additional Photoshop Actions to improve your workflow when designing patterns in Photoshop
Shape Maker Toolkit
- 14 - Actions to help rotate objects around circle
- 10 - Actions to help create custom shapes in Photoshop
Note: Actions to rotate objects around a circle work with canvas size of 1200 x 1200 px.
Quick Pattern Maker with Photoshop Actions
- 17 - Photoshop Actions - Block Patterns - Set A
- 21 - Photoshop Actions - Two-toned Block Patterns - Set B
- 17 - Photoshop Actions - Dot Patterns - Set C
- 22 - Photoshop Actions - Brick Patterns - Set D
- 22- Photoshop Actions - Half Drop Patterns - Set E
- 16 - Photoshop Actions - 2 Object Patterns - Set F
Note: Actions designed to work with canvas size of 1200 x 1200 px.
Multicolor Pattern Maker
- 4 - Photoshop Templates to quickly create multi-color patterns using 1 object for block, dot, halfdrop and brick style patterns. Using one object you can create multicolor pattern variations for 1, 2, 3 or 4 colors.
- 1 - Photoshop template to create multicolor stripe patterns for 1, 2, 3 and 4 colors.
- 1 - Photoshop template to create multicolor diagonal stripe patterns for 1, 2, 3, and 4 colors.
- 1 - Photoshop document to test your patterns
- 1 - Photoshop action file (.atn) to use with your templates
Pattern Starter Template
- Customizable Pattern Layout template for Photoshop that comes in multiple size ratios
Digital Paper Lab
- 11- Photoshop Templates to create digital paper packs for 20 papers
- 16 - Photoshop Templates to create digital paper packs for 10 papers
- Etsy listing Image template for 10 paper packs and 20 paper pack
- 1 - Photoshop Template to create digital paper packs for 50 pages using 1 pattern and 50 colors.
- Photoshop Actions to help with your workflow
- 50 Essential Photoshop Patterns to use with your digital paper templates (.pat file)
- Tutorial video on how to use your templates
Plaid Pattern Maker
- 1- Set of Photoshop patterns for horizontal, vertical and diagonal stripes and gingham and buffalo plaid styles for grid and diagonal grid plaid patterns. Each pattern is designed at 1200 x 1200 px.
- 1- Pattern swatch template - 1200 x 1200 px (.PSD) to use with provided Photoshop patterns to easily mix and match patterns to create unique plaid patterns.
- 1 - Digital Paper Template designed for Adobe Photoshop with 20 artboards sized at 3600px by 3600px each at 300 dpi. Easily change out colors and customize your patterns to create a unique 20 paper digital paper set.
- 10 - Photoshop Actions designed to help when creating multicolor patterns.
Example Curriculum
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- Welcome to Pattern Starter Templates
- Template A (5:13)
- Template B (5:11)
- Template 1 (6:56)
- Template 2 (9:40)
- Template 3 (5:42)
- Template 4 (4:40)
- Template 5 (7:24)
- Template C (7:28)
- Template 6 (7:58)
- Template D (8:09)
- Template E (16:12)
- Template F (5:43)
- Template 7 (9:09)
- Template 8 - Multicolor Chevron (6:55)
- Template G (6:45)
- Template H (8:53)
- Template I (7:31)
- Template J (7:57)
- Template K (17:42)
- Template L (6:44)
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